Saturday, November 1, 2008

What Shaykh Rabee' Al-Madkhaali says about Studying at Damaaj

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Recently Sheikh Rabee' bin Haadi Al-Madkhali, may Allah preserve him, answered some questions about studying in Darul Hadeeth in Damaaj. Here is the English translation done by one of the students here in Damaaj, may Allah reward him and the brothers for their questions.

In the last ten days of Ramadhaan the brother Aiman Al-Adeni, may Allah preserve him, asked As-Shaykh Al-Mujaahid Rabee' bin Haadi Al-Madkhali, may Allah preserve him, about the one who warns against studying in Damaaj. So the brother ask 'O Shaykh do you advise to travel to seek knowledge in Damaaj these days'. So The Shaykh responded by saying'' Shame on you asking a question like this, you do not have a question other than this? How can I not advise to study in Damaaj?

The Shaykh also mentioned about those who prevent from the emigrating to seek knowledge in this immense place. He said, 'They are those who divert from the right path. It is a center where all sciences of the Deen are taught and studied, and by Allah no one warns from it except the one who wants to divert the people from the path of Allah.'

In conclusion, on the day of Eidul Fitr of this year 1429h (2008) Abu Fidaa As-Sudaani asked Al-Muhadith, Al-'Alaamah Shaykh Rabee Al-Madkhali, may Allah preserve him, the same question. So the Shaykh answered by saying 'this is a person of desires'. In addition, it was mentioned that the Shaykh said 'warning from Damaaj is a mistake, do not believe those who warn from Damaaj, do not believe them, but my sincere advice is for the one who is blessed with this blessing (studying in Damaaj) and given success in seeking knowledge in Damaaj, it is better that he occupies his time with seeking knowledge and does not interfere regarding the fitnah

Translated By: Abdul Fattah As-Somaali Al-Canadi. A present student of

Darul Hadeeth in Damaaj

For the Arabic version of this translation and more refer back to an official website for the Dawah As-Salafiyah in Yemen.

We ask Allah for us and you to give us all firmness in his religion, Ameen